Progressive Prison Project
Innocent Spouse & Children Project
Greenwich, Connecticut
TEDx SingSing
by Sean Pica - Guest Blogger
We first met Sean Pica, and the wonderful students & graduates of Hudson Link, when they spoke for us at Union Theological Seminary. In their honor, we hosted a panel on Religion and Prison, a showing of their important movie "Zero Percent," and a midday chapel service featuring a sermon by Union Trustee Petero Sabune, former Chaplain of Sing Sing Prison. Leading up to their groundbreaking project on Dec. 3rd - TEDx SingSing - to be filmed by director Jonathan Demme - we asked Sean if he would guest blog for - Jeff
Bundled in coats, hats, and scarves, we did one run-through before Bryonn and his team arrived. The organizers and the speakers gave each other feedback, and the MC got a feel for the stage. When Bryonn arrived, the real fun began! He performed some of his incredible poetry to live musical accompaniment, a guitar player and cello player both playing in the background. Sitting in a circle making art together, it was easy to forget that we were freezing cold, and deep inside a maximum security prison. We transcended our differences in that moment and were simply people, communicating through lyrics and song. Superintendent Capra (who will be speaking on December 3) and his wife stopped by to see how everyone was doing, and both were very impressed by how everything was coming together. We are so lucky to be working with such a supportive and invested administrators like those at Sing Sing.
After the jam session, the real work began. We broke into small groups, with one or two speakers in each group, so everyone would have the chance to receive feedback. Speakers were instructed to find their “offering,” the main take-away from their talk, the big idea they were trying to communicate. All of the speakers knew abstractly why they were talking about their chosen topic, but focusing in on that offering, putting it into words, and connecting it to the core, personal reason that topic was so important to them, unlocked these presenters in an incredible way. The speakers were already so engaging, but this centering and clarifying gave their presentations a new dimension of passion and confidence.
We left Sing Sing that night feeling such excitement for the day of December 3, and so eager to give these men a platform to offer their valuable ideas to the world. But we also knew that we had already succeeded; through the process of planning TEDxSing Sing collaboratively with incarcerated men, advocates, and members of the community, we had already created the healthy community we would be focusing on on December 3.
Sean Pica, MSW is the Exec. Director of
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison
and Co-Founder of TEDx SingSing. He can be reached at
(o) 914-941-0794 ext. 12,
P.O. Box 862 | Ossining, NY 10562
P.O. Box 862 | Ossining, NY 10562
Lynn Springer, Advocate, Innocent Spouses & Children
(m) +1203.536.5508
George Bresnan, Advocate, Ex-Pats
Michael Karaffa, Advocate, Disabilities
Comments from Social Media:
Looking forward to seeing TEDx Sing Sing and hearing about how the event was for the presenters and audience.